The power of community collaboration can’t be understated – because two minds are always greater than one, right? As a theatre professional, you probably find yourself collaborating a lot in your day-to-day – with team members, actors, crew members, and the like. But what about taking that culture of collaboration even further? Certain members of […]

Welcome to 2024, theatremakers! Like many, you’ve probably created a few New Year’s resolutions you’re excited to make into reality this year. One of those resolutions is likely creating more cash flow for your theatre, which is made possible through a variety of creative fundraising ideas.  Getting started – and kicking off the year on […]

As a theater pro, you probably already know that casting for a production is simultaneously one of the most fun and stressful bits of your show’s journey. But you can increase the joy and decrease the panic by enacting a few smart casting strategies during this phase. On The Stage offers a few tips.  8 […]

If you’re anything like us, you’re a fan of New Year’s resolutions. After all, January is the perfect time for a reset… or to get a little more ambitious about goals for the coming year. Theatre professionals often have two common objectives: to deliver the absolute best possible showcase to their patrons and to sell […]

The end of one year and the beginning of another can be a beautiful time for your theatre. You’re able to look back at your many accomplishments while planning ahead with unbridled optimism. A great way to set up the building blocks for a successful year ahead is by setting realistic – yet challenging – […]

As we wrap up 2023 and look toward the future, now’s the time to make your performing arts team feel appreciated for all the work they put into your theatre this year. Alongside facilitating all those warm and fuzzy feelings, you should also be empowering your team at year-end to start 2024 off with a […]

The curtains have closed on your latest showcase. It’s time to begin the set strike, reorganize your backstage, and prepare for the next creative endeavor. During this time, it’s essential to review what went well and what didn’t so you can learn from your mistakes and make improvements for the next performance. It’s time for […]

It’s an intangible thing, but you know it when you hear it, see it, or even feel it. That’s right – it’s a buzz! No, we’re not talking about bees or that annoying hum of overhead lights; we’re talking about that excitement that hits right before your theatre production goes live! Creating and maintaining buzz can be […]

If you’re in search of ways to boost ticket sales for your next showcase and to increase engagement year-round, consider offering ticket bundling. A reliable strategy, bundling adds value for patrons, attracts more guests, and helps to pad your bottom line.  Ticket Bundling: What is it? First, let’s explore what ticket bundling is. Essentially, bundling […]

Leveraging promo codes and discounts is a proven way to increase sales, no matter the industry. When your show is just around the corner, and you haven’t quite reached the ticket sales goals you had planned, now is not the time to throw in the towel and accept defeat! By offering strategic promo codes, you’ll be able […]

Happy International Day of Persons with Disabilities! This observance has been promoted by the United Nations since 1992. Alongside being a joyful celebration, today aims to reinforce the importance of securing rights for people with disabilities, allowing them to participate fully, equally, and effectively in a society with no barriers to accessibility.  As a theatre […]

As you’re preparing for the curtains to rise on opening night, the last thing you want to be worried about is your box office. Tickets aren’t scanning correctly? You overbooked the house? The line is moving slower than molasses? Ugh. Streamlining your box office operations prior to opening night will reap major benefits down the […]

There is, indeed, a reason why Tech Week is interchangeably called “Hell Week” in the world of theatre. Your to-do list is piling up, your actors are tired, you feel like you’re behind schedule … the worries go on (and on, and on). However, tech week doesn’t have to be hellish. With the right tools, you […]