As you’re preparing for the curtains to rise on opening night, the last thing you want to be worried about is your box office. Tickets aren’t scanning correctly? You overbooked the house? The line is moving slower than molasses? Ugh. Streamlining your box office operations prior to opening night will reap major benefits down the […]

There is, indeed, a reason why Tech Week is interchangeably called “Hell Week” in the world of theatre. Your to-do list is piling up, your actors are tired, you feel like you’re behind schedule … the worries go on (and on, and on). However, tech week doesn’t have to be hellish. With the right tools, you […]

Patron engagement is critical to the growth and success of your theatre. Engagement can mean a variety of things – from generating new interest or nurturing long-standing relationships – with the end goal of providing memorable and personalized experiences for all and keeping your patrons coming back for more. It’s important to maintain ongoing patron […]

As a theatre professional looking towards 2024, you may be kicking off the budgeting season and working through various strategic plans. There are several moving parts that require portions of your budget, but one that’s quite important and often overlooked is your marketing. While you may be focusing on programming, set pieces, costumes, new lighting […]

Rehearsals are an essential part of every successful performing arts program. They are where creativity meets discipline, where talent is honed, and where the magic truly happens. That being said, managing rehearsals efficiently is no small feat. It requires careful planning, effective communication, and a keen understanding of the unique challenges that performing arts can […]

Any great theatre showcase comes paired with a great, well-designed program. And building a sleek, professional program doesn’t have to be difficult – trust us! On The Stage offers you a step-by-step guide to creating your next theatre program.  Creating Your Program So, you’ve picked your show, have your cast and crew, and are barreling […]

As the school year commences, you may look for new components to add to your theatre curriculum. Along with teaching passionate students about the many tenets of acting, you should consider introducing crew and technical work into the mix.  Along with adding a dynamic new facet to your class, getting students involved with technical work […]

Seasoned theatremakers know that to create beautiful, life-changing art, you need to find the right partnerships to pad your bottom line. Money, after all, makes the world go ‘round!  Getting a business to sponsor your program has a variety of benefits, including:  Extending the reach of your theatre: Companies have their own established fan bases […]

The art of live theatre has been evolving for thousands of years, experiencing a variety of transformations with new theatre technology. What was once a few male actors ‘in the round’ in ancient Greece has transformed into multi-million dollar productions, a culture of inclusivity, and shows that cover virtually every topic under the sun. The […]

Ah, networking. For some of us (lookin’ at you, extroverts), this may come naturally. For others, networking can be tricky or a little anxiety-inducing without some guidance. So, what is networking, exactly? It’s the process of building relationships and finding support amongst your peers, colleagues, or other important professional figures within your industry. During networking, […]

Community theatres – it’s all in the name! And you, as your program’s leader, should be making the effort to connect with people and businesses in your area. From potential sponsorship opportunities to business partnerships and a wider pool of cast and crew, getting your community theatre’s name into the community is key to your success […]

The fall season is almost here, with back-to-school excitement floating in the air. You may just now be thinking about the audition process for your fall musical or show and all the details that come along with it. But it’s also time to think ahead – way ahead – which means starting to build, streamline, […]

Your first production rehearsal typically comes with butterflies, plenty of excitement and anticipation, and lofty goals for the months ahead. While you may be wrapped up in all the exhilaration, remember that setting the right tone during your first gathering is key to the success of your show. If you’re not sure where to start, […]