Theatre is not just about the performances on stage- it’s about creating magical experiences for every audience member. A personalized patron experience is the key to making new and loyal patrons feel special, connected, and eager to return for more. Let’s get into the growing personalization trend, and then we’ve got a bunch of easy examples […]

Directing a play, musical, or other theatrical showcase is hard work – no matter the scope. Juggling a variety of elements, tapping into your creativity, ensuring your cast and crew are healthy and happy, focusing on fundraising, getting marketing efforts out the door … the list of your tasks goes on and on. Before you […]

 Happy shark week, theatremakers! It’s time to dive into the magic of underwater set designs. Constructing this captivating and oceanic set may seem daunting or too expensive, but with a little help, you can nail it. So let’s sink our teeth into some helpful tips and tricks!  Making an Underwater Set Design  Get Inspiration from […]

For some, it’s a dreaded component of the creative process. For others, it’s pure joy. Either way, marketing is an integral part of running a successful theatre. If you’ve worked hard on your showcase but aren’t seeing that return on investment in the form of sold-out shows, revamping your marketing technique is a great way […]

On The Stage presents a few reasons why a district-wide production is a great idea for you, your theatre, and your community at large.  A Diversified Talent Pool If you open up auditions to your entire district, you can bring together students from all locations and provide them with a unique experience to widen their […]

It’s no secret that performing arts sat on the sidelines during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Now that we’re mostly out of the weeds, creators are getting more ingenuitive than ever with their theatrical offerings. One trend on the rise? Immersive theatre. On The Stage explores immersive theatre, how it works, and how to […]

The arts are a gateway to imagination, self-expression, and personal growth. A unified approach to arts education can benefit the entire community in a school district. Whether you’re a superintendent, district arts administrator, principal, teacher, or even a student, embracing various art forms and creating a comprehensive district-wide experience can cultivate an environment that nurtures […]

The world of theatre is ever-evolving. New technology, trends, and advancements happen consistently, making shows more dynamic than ever. If you want to stay on top of emerging trends in the industry, On The Stage presents a few we’ve noticed … and how to bring them into your program. 5 Emerging Trends in the Industry […]

An exciting awards season came to a close Sunday night as Broadway toasted the best of the best at the 2023 Tony Awards. It’s the biggest night of the year for theatre lovers and as always, there were some great words of wisdom to take from the honorees. Additionally, there was some incredible advice that […]

Although creating experimental theatre may be your passion project, you’ll need to produce a few showcases that appeal to a broad range of audiences. One of the smartest options to ensure you have a sold-out theatre is by offering a musical or play in your season that works as an entertainment vehicle for children, teens, […]

While we usually think of summer as “time off,” it’s actually a great occasion to flex your creativity muscles. That’s right – theatre camps will reap major rewards if you invest the right amount of time and energy into them. On The Stage presents seven things you shouldn’t skip before and during your summer programming.  […]

The curtains have closed on your last performance. Your cast and crew feel happy, accomplished, and ready for some rest.  But before you wrap up this chapter of your theatre journey, a post-mortem is necessary to improve your next showcase. You may be asking what, exactly, is a post-mortem. Much like a locker room breakdown […]

The curtains have closed on your latest production, and the madness of show week is finally over. You may want to take a step back, relax, and enjoy the quiet – but now’s the time to continue your forward momentum as it pertains to your patrons’ engagement. Keeping ticket-buyers interested post-show is crucial to the […]