We know how tech week goes: your show is almost perfect, but you’re hoping to add that liiiittle extra bit of magic to it before the curtains go up on opening night. If you’re searching for small but meaningful ways to put your best artistic foot forward, On The Stage has you covered. Here are […]

At On The Stage, we believe that the incredible pioneers of theatre history deserve recognition for their invaluable contributions to the growth and evolution of the performing arts. In this blog, we’ll delve into the importance of celebrating such trailblazers by exploring the life and career of Boris Aronson, a Yiddish designer who changed Broadway.  […]

Happy Earth Day! Sustainability is paramount to keeping the world a safe and healthy place – and you can start enacting greener practices in your theatre today. On The Stage offers a few tips to get you started.   Focus on energy efficiency Keeping your theatre energy efficient is an excellent way to increase sustainability and […]

In the world of performing arts, you may not consider marketing efforts to be top priority – especially if you’re hard at work making theatre magic. But, it’s a sad truth that not as many people will see that theatre magic if you’re not diligent about your marketing and promotion. Like many a harried creative, […]

If the onset of musical season brings mixed feelings of excitement and nerves, you’re no the only one! It’s time to embark on a thrilling journey of selecting, directing, and showcasing your musical production, and sometimes that can feel overwhelming. But it’s important to remember that while musicals present unique challenges, they also offer fresh […]

Curating the right ambiance for any theatre showcase can be difficult, especially if you’re working with a smaller budget. But it’s more than possible to create a beautiful performance space with limited funds. On The Stage offers a few ways to create a stellar set on a less-than-stellar budget.  Create Your Bare-Bones Budget First Any […]

There’s no other way to stay it: performance week is hectic for any theatre program. While directors, leads, and techies are likely feeling the pressure, perhaps the most stressed of all is the stage manager leading the charge behind the scenes. As the head of your production, it’s your responsibility to ensure your stage manager […]

Although it feels like we’re just about to celebrate the start of spring, summer will be here before you know it. And the warmer weather means one thing for us theatre folk: summer stock! While you still have ample time, get prepped for the summer stock season with a little help from On The Stage.  […]

There’s nothing quite like the anxiety and panic you feel when you realize your rehearsals are behind-schedule or off-track. Perhaps you had to cancel a few practices, got lax with start times, or got fixated on a certain scene and lost sight of the bigger picture. Before you head into melt-down mode, it is possible […]

Like many creatives, you may be struggling with a lack of actors and techies for your productions. Perhaps you’ve been doubling – having one actor play multiple roles – or have had to take on behind-the-scenes work yourself due to a lack of backstage hands.  If you’re running out of bandwidth, you’re not alone. But […]

Casting the leads in your next production can be a make or break decision as it concerns your show’s overall success.  Should you go with the seasoned pro who harbors a bit of an ego, or the green hopeful who’s not so confident, but has the passion in spades? While there’s no true right or […]

One of the most exciting times in the theatre-making process is the audition phase – watching enthusiastic hopefuls enter the stage and (hopefully) dazzle you with their talents. While this time in the creation of your art is no doubt exhilarating, it can easily derail into a stressful situation if you fail to prepare, or […]

Planning and executing a successful theatre production is no joke, and certainly no easy task. Right as you feel you’ve gotten a handle on things, there will likely be another obstacle – either creative or practical – that needs your attention.  Before you begin planning your next showcase, On The Stage offers a step-by-step guide […]