We theatremakers know one thing to be true: Our patrons keep the lights on. Those who purchase tickets to shows, buy merchandise, share content on social media, and attend workshops, summer camps, and other programming make or break our business.  So it’s agreed: You need patrons to sustain your business – and happy, consistent repeat […]

Your front-of-house box office team is the lifeblood of your organization for a variety of reasons. They are integral in creating a great first impression of your theatre, and they handle one of the most important aspects of your business: selling tickets.  That being said, this integral team needs to feel empowered and equipped with […]

In the hustle and bustle of putting together a great show, you may forget why you’re creating your end product. It’s not for revenue, notoriety, or personal development – although those are great perks! No, presenting theatre is about sharing creativity, creating a community, and facilitating memorable experiences for your patrons.  You might be thinking: […]

Fundraising galas can be an excellent way to increase awareness of your work, create meaningful connections through networking, and raise capital for ongoing success. It may seem daunting to plan, market, and host your own gala, we know! But with the right tools, it can – and will – be a rousing success. On The Stage […]

As we head into the Spring season, the promise of warm weather, relaxation, and zero obligations is beckoning us from a distance. Yes, if you can believe it, we’re well on our way to sweet, sweet summertime. As a theatremaker, you can harness that anticipation and excitement to attract larger summer stock audiences. Believe it […]

Happy Women’s History Month, theatremakers! Women’s influence, expertise, perspectives, and power can be felt in just about every industry in the world these days. But one industry that has empowered women to lead and thrive for centuries is our own!  Today, On The Stage shines a spotlight on just a few of the thousands of […]

If you’re on a journey to sell more tickets, there are a variety of avenues to reach your objectives. You can implement savvy marketing best practices, offer promo codes, and start ticket bundling deals… the sky’s the limit! But one surefire way to sell more tickets is by making the entire ticket-buying process easier. This […]

Spring break is a time of rest and relaxation for many, while others want to hit the open road or seek out new adventures. You, the theatremaker, deserve a break and some fun, too… but you should also be using this time to maximize your theatre’s revenue and boost your ticket sales.  You might be […]

March is Theatre in Our Schools Month! It’s a time to celebrate the power of theatre within our school systems, as well as advocate for arts education and inclusion all year round.  The benefits of theatre education are varied and vast and do not all revolve around fostering creativity – although that’s a major gain. […]

As the weather warms and more people opt to venture out and enjoy the arts, summer stock is waking up from its hibernation, as well. In fact, it’s almost time to dust off your costumes and sets to prepare for those fast-paced, enticing, and entertaining shows. Although we’re technically still in the winter months, now […]

6 Workflows Built to Develop Audiences and Accelerate Revenue There are noticeable shifts happening in the performing arts industry: subscription sales are declining, patrons are purchasing tickets closer to showtime than ever before, and donations are dwindling across the board. To get ahead of the growing industry challenges, it’s essential to take a business-first approach […]

Running a theatre, no matter the size, has a variety of moving parts to manage. Perfecting the costumes. Nailing the sound and lighting cues. Casting the perfect leads. Marketing your upcoming show. Raising enough funds to improve the experience for everyone. But one part that often gets pushed to the wayside is the cultivation and […]

Theatre is art, with or without an audience. But as a theatremaker, you probably want and need an audience at your shows, right? Right.  Attracting audiences – or larger crowds for those with an already steady following – is a goal for just about every organization in the world. An audience gives our art meaning, […]