It would be an understatement to say social media is essential to today’s world. Social media platforms help people stay informed about world issues, dictate and disseminate trends, delve into pop culture analysis, and feel more connected. In short, they’re integral to the fabric of our lifestyle. As a theatre company, you can harness this […]

A Dance Studio Owner’s Guide Audiences are constantly looking for awe-inspiring experiences, and their local dance studios can provide just that, making it all the more important for directors to continue to elevate their performances to the next level. With so many factors to consider, it has become increasingly difficult to identify the best approach […]

As the summer rolls in, many parents wonder what to do with their kiddos during the busy work day. Instead of plopping them in front of a TV or taking them to work, some send their kids to immersive and educational camps and similar programming. As a theatremaker, this opportunity is ripe with benefits. By […]

Happy Pride Month, theatremakers! This and every month, we celebrate and commemorate the LGBTQIA+ community and their many contributions to the fabric of our vibrant society.  The creation of Pride Month itself was spurred by the events of the Stonewall Uprising – a series of protests by members of the LGBTQIA+ community in Greenwich Village, […]

As the curtains close and your team takes its final bows, you may be ready to head to the beach, the bar, or the couch to celebrate another job well done. While you absolutely deserve that break, there’s just one small thing to do before you relax: host your postmortem. If you’re unsure what that […]

As we wrap up the school year, you may be dreaming of sleeping in late, spending days at the pool, and avoiding all responsibilities for a bit. While that does sound lovely, now is also a great time to reflect on your theatre curriculum over the past year. When evaluating your curriculum, you and your […]

No matter who you are or what industry you’re in, it’s safe to say a teacher has positively impacted your life. Perhaps they tutored you in a subject you felt lost in, gave you the confidence to have a voice at school, or guided you into finding your true passions. For those and a million […]

Picture this: You’ve worked harder than you thought possible to direct and produce a beautiful piece of theatre. Your team, ranging from actors and crew members to front-of-house staffers, have offered up blood, sweat, and tears in preparation for opening night. You lift the curtains for the first number, and … no one’s there? Ah, in […]

Ahhh, the sweet smell of summertime. It’s just around the corner, which means your summer stock productions and other theatre programming are, too!  You’re probably deliberating about which plays and musicals to add to your roster this summer, with pros and cons lists aplenty. While you might want to go with your gut or with […]

It’s never too late to create a more sustainable theatre. As Earth Day approaches, it’s the perfect time to think about your theatre’s environmental effect on your community – and the world at large. If you take a look at your day-to-day operations and general behaviors, there are sure to be a few places where […]

In the theatre world, tech week is one beast that’s tough to conquer – whether you’re a school program, community theatre, or professional non-equity entity. Yes, it will be fast-paced; yes, it will be stressful; and yes, mistakes will happen. That’s the beauty of live theatre! That being said, there are plenty of ways to […]

As an innovative leader in the world of theatre, you’re likely looking for new ways to improve the experience for your patrons. That could be through technology upgrades, more immersive showcases, better-quality merchandise, or stronger theatre-patron relationships. One method for enhancing the audience experience that you may not have considered is the use of post-show […]

A common goal among theatremakers is simple: ensure the largest possible audience is viewing your work. However, getting more eyes on your content and more people in your theatre seats can be tough, which is why having a theatre marketing strategy is crucial for organizations of all sizes; and that strategy should include a robust […]