Black Friday and Cyber Monday, traditionally associated with big-box stores and retailers, can be just as valuable for arts organizations!  This shopping season isn’t just for selling physical items; it’s a fantastic opportunity to boost ticket sales for your upcoming shows! Venture beyond traditional retail boundaries and dive into the realm of live performances, harnessing […]

As holiday magic slowly enters the air, you may notice the general public is in a, well, lighter mood. That can only mean one thing – the season of giving is upon us!  As a theatre, there are ways to leverage that contagious holiday cheer to strengthen your organization, both financially and as a brand.  What […]

There is, indeed, a reason why Tech Week is interchangeably called “Hell Week” in the world of theatre. Your to-do list is piling up, your actors are tired, you feel like you’re behind schedule … the worries go on (and on, and on). However, tech week doesn’t have to be hellish. With the right tools, you […]

As the leaves turn fiery hues and the chill in the air deepens, we find ourselves deep in the trenches of the spooky season. So why not brew up something new to bring a little magic to your theatre offerings? Whether you’re looking to keep things light(ish) or go full dark and twisty, On The […]

About Palos Verdes Peninsula High School Located near the Southern California coastline, Palos Verdes Peninsula High School provides a vibrant, compassionate, and diverse learning community with a mission to empower students to reach their full potential; and their Drama Department does just that! Home to Oscar-nominated Stephanie Hsu, the program has helped countless students embrace […]

With autumn well underway, you may be searching for some fundraising ideas that will raise a little (or a lot of) money for your theatre. Whether you’re a school program, community theatre, professional non-equity organization, or something in between, all theatre pros have one thing in common: they’ll never say no to additional capital.  That’s […]

Patron engagement is critical to the growth and success of your theatre. Engagement can mean a variety of things – from generating new interest or nurturing long-standing relationships – with the end goal of providing memorable and personalized experiences for all and keeping your patrons coming back for more. It’s important to maintain ongoing patron […]

As a theatre professional looking towards 2024, you may be kicking off the budgeting season and working through various strategic plans. There are several moving parts that require portions of your budget, but one that’s quite important and often overlooked is your marketing. While you may be focusing on programming, set pieces, costumes, new lighting […]

Rehearsals are an essential part of every successful performing arts program. They are where creativity meets discipline, where talent is honed, and where the magic truly happens. That being said, managing rehearsals efficiently is no small feat. It requires careful planning, effective communication, and a keen understanding of the unique challenges that performing arts can […]

Any great theatre showcase comes paired with a great, well-designed program. And building a sleek, professional program doesn’t have to be difficult – trust us! On The Stage offers you a step-by-step guide to creating your next theatre program.  Creating Your Program So, you’ve picked your show, have your cast and crew, and are barreling […]

Auditioning is the art of matchmaking in its truest form. It’s the feeling of excitement and anticipation that comes from discovering the right performer for a role who can bring the script to life with ease, who has chemistry with fellow actors, and who you enjoy working with. But how do you create an atmosphere […]

Fall weather welcomes back so many activities, from sipping on pumpkin spice lattes to taking leisurely strolls and viewing the foliage. What you may not associate with fall, however, is fundraising … but you should!  There are various ways to harness the renewed energy fall brings into unique, lucrative fundraising events. On The Stage explores […]

Education is continually evolving, and educators and administrators nationwide are embracing a comprehensive approach of tapping into the arts to ignite creativity, critical thinking, and innovation. And guess what? The results are simply phenomenal! In our latest infographic, 9 Benefits of a Consistent Arts Experience Across Your School District, we explore the extraordinary potential and […]