In the dynamic world of theatre, financial stability is crucial for the success of any production. Despite the passion and creativity that drive theatremakers, more often than not securing adequate funding remains a challenge. What if we told you there was a hidden reservoir of unclaimed cash that could be accessed to support your artistic […]

During the dog days of summer, you may find yourself moving at a muuuuch slooooower paaaaaace. After all, it’s hot, school’s out, and you deserve a break.  That said, the last thing you want to do is lose your patrons’ attention and engagement during this time. Quite the opposite, you should harness the power of […]

Social media is arguably the greatest invention of the last 25 or so years. It allows us to connect, form communities, share opinions, and generate business revenue. Regarding your theatre, there are hundreds of ways to harness social media to generate organic traffic, leading to greater engagement, more tickets sold, and stronger brand awareness. On […]

It would be an understatement to say social media is essential to today’s world. Social media platforms help people stay informed about world issues, dictate and disseminate trends, delve into pop culture analysis, and feel more connected. In short, they’re integral to the fabric of our lifestyle. As a theatre company, you can harness this […]

Fundraising galas can be an excellent way to increase awareness of your work, create meaningful connections through networking, and raise capital for ongoing success. It may seem daunting to plan, market, and host your own gala, we know! But with the right tools, it can – and will – be a rousing success. On The Stage […]

Running a theatre, no matter the size, has a variety of moving parts to manage. Perfecting the costumes. Nailing the sound and lighting cues. Casting the perfect leads. Marketing your upcoming show. Raising enough funds to improve the experience for everyone. But one part that often gets pushed to the wayside is the cultivation and […]

Swag. Merch. Goodies. No matter what you call it, there’s a universal truth about merchandise: people love it. Whether it’s a shirt, a hat, a poster, or a mug, selling branded items can be a major key to your theatre’s growing success. Offering a variety of benefits that will engage, excite, and grow your audience, […]

If you’re looking to further your education, raise funds, bring your team together, and add new folks to the roster, hosting a theatre workshop is a great way to do all that and more. Workshops require plenty of forethought and organization, but with the right tools in your tool belt, you’ll be able to grow […]

Welcome to 2024, theatremakers! Like many, you’ve probably created a few New Year’s resolutions you’re excited to make into reality this year. One of those resolutions is likely creating more cash flow for your theatre, which is made possible through a variety of creative fundraising ideas.  Getting started – and kicking off the year on […]

As holiday magic slowly enters the air, you may notice the general public is in a, well, lighter mood. That can only mean one thing – the season of giving is upon us!  As a theatre, there are ways to leverage that contagious holiday cheer to strengthen your organization, both financially and as a brand.  What […]

With autumn well underway, you may be searching for some fundraising ideas that will raise a little (or a lot of) money for your theatre. Whether you’re a school program, community theatre, professional non-equity organization, or something in between, all theatre pros have one thing in common: they’ll never say no to additional capital.  That’s […]

Any great theatre showcase comes paired with a great, well-designed program. And building a sleek, professional program doesn’t have to be difficult – trust us! On The Stage offers you a step-by-step guide to creating your next theatre program.  Creating Your Program So, you’ve picked your show, have your cast and crew, and are barreling […]

Fall weather welcomes back so many activities, from sipping on pumpkin spice lattes to taking leisurely strolls and viewing the foliage. What you may not associate with fall, however, is fundraising … but you should!  There are various ways to harness the renewed energy fall brings into unique, lucrative fundraising events. On The Stage explores […]