While we usually think of summer as “time off,” it’s actually a great occasion to flex your creativity muscles. That’s right – theatre camps will reap major rewards if you invest the right amount of time and energy into them. On The Stage presents seven things you shouldn’t skip before and during your summer programming.  […]

The curtains have closed on your latest production, and the madness of show week is finally over. You may want to take a step back, relax, and enjoy the quiet – but now’s the time to continue your forward momentum as it pertains to your patrons’ engagement. Keeping ticket-buyers interested post-show is crucial to the […]

Fundraising is about more than just accepting donations. As American educator Randy Pausch once said: “Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things humans can do for each other.” In the theatre world, perhaps no one deserves more gratitude than your loyal patrons and donors. The people who support your work are […]

Fundraising is a critical component in the overall success of your theatre. Without it, you’ll miss opportunities to better your productions through tech upgrades; better set, costume, and sound design; and general creature comforts that elevate the experience for you and your patrons. In your fundraising efforts, it’s a smart idea to use compelling storytelling […]

In the world of performing arts, you may not consider marketing efforts to be top priority – especially if you’re hard at work making theatre magic. But, it’s a sad truth that not as many people will see that theatre magic if you’re not diligent about your marketing and promotion. Like many a harried creative, […]

Curating the right ambiance for any theatre showcase can be difficult, especially if you’re working with a smaller budget. But it’s more than possible to create a beautiful performance space with limited funds. On The Stage offers a few ways to create a stellar set on a less-than-stellar budget.  Create Your Bare-Bones Budget First Any […]

As we move out of the pandemic into a less socially distanced world, it’s important to get the arts (and our dancers, performers, and creatives) back on their feet. Successful fundraisers can increase visibility and generate positive buzz for your studio, as well as help ensure the financial stability and continued growth of your program. […]

As your fall season ensues, it’s time to focus on padding that bottom line. On The Stage has you covered with eight of our best fundraising ideas.

Securing production sponsorships for your theatre can take a showcase to the next level. Here are hot tips to scope out and secure business sponsorships.

Implementing theatre box office best practices can be tricky. Luckily, On The Stage offers tips to maximize efficiency, as well as presents the brand-new Box Office Portal to streamline and simplify the ticketing process.

On The Stage offers advice and a comprehensive platform to ensure your summer stock theatre productions are a success.

Learn about five lucrative funding strategies to take your theatre productions to the next level

Summertime funding strategies for your theatre can be fun and easy with On The Stage’s Fundraising Suite.