The handy-dandy electronic email—or email, as you may know it—has been helping businesses stay in touch with patrons and drum up engagement since the 1980s. A tried-and-true method of communication, emails are a powerful way to reach patrons that you should definitely leverage for your theatre.  You may notice, however, that you’re not reaching the […]

Although it may be hard to believe due to the sweltering heat, fall is just around the corner. That means pumpkin-spice everything, beautiful foliage, spooky movies… and your upcoming theatre season and fall production, of course!  If you think we’re jumping the gun, remember it’s never too early to start marketing your fall offerings. It […]

You can create the most beautiful, boundary-pushing, technically perfect piece of theatre worldwide. Still, without a full and engaged audience, it won’t receive the attention or flowers it deserves. Whether it’s a giveaway, VIP experience, or some other creative game, it’s important to get everyone excited before the curtain even rises. That said, you should […]

During the dog days of summer, you may find yourself moving at a muuuuch slooooower paaaaaace. After all, it’s hot, school’s out, and you deserve a break.  That said, the last thing you want to do is lose your patrons’ attention and engagement during this time. Quite the opposite, you should harness the power of […]

Like many industries in 2024, theatre is seeing major shifts. One change you may be noticing is that showcases are not always presented in the standard theatrical space. Instead, some works have been relocated to unconventional or shared spaces.  While this shift can present unique challenges, it allows theatremakers to think outside the box, get […]

Social media is arguably the greatest invention of the last 25 or so years. It allows us to connect, form communities, share opinions, and generate business revenue. Regarding your theatre, there are hundreds of ways to harness social media to generate organic traffic, leading to greater engagement, more tickets sold, and stronger brand awareness. On […]

Everyone has wanted to feel like a very important person (VIP) at one point or another. After all, having VIP experiences can transform an average memory into something extraordinary.  If it’s true that most people are on the hunt for that exciting feeling, why not start curating these VIP experiences for your most loyal patrons? […]

In a recent Ask Me Anything (AMA) session, On The Stage’s founder, Hunter Arnold, shared his thoughts on the current state of theatre and what lies ahead. Arnold also founded TBD Theatricals and, through his work as a Tony and Olivier Award-winning producer, has played a pivotal role in bringing acclaimed productions to the stage, […]

Without feedback, discussion, and critical responses from conducting surveys, creating theatre can feel like performing in a void. In reality, your audience is a crucial component to the success of your production and your company at large.  That said, designing and sending out surveys should be integral to your production routine – just as expected […]

It would be an understatement to say social media is essential to today’s world. Social media platforms help people stay informed about world issues, dictate and disseminate trends, delve into pop culture analysis, and feel more connected. In short, they’re integral to the fabric of our lifestyle. As a theatre company, you can harness this […]

Much like the theatre world, your patron base is likely quite diverse, with a broad range of generations, from Baby Boomers to Millennials to Gen Z, making up your core demographics. For that and many other reasons, your marketing strategies shouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all effort but tailored and segmented to appeal to different bases. It’s […]

The beauty of theatre is that it is never a one-size-fits-all experience. Whether you’re a patron, director, actor, or part of the crew, you’ll walk away from a piece of theatre with your own unique interpretations and insights. The same can – and should be – said for the ticketing portion of the theatrical process. […]

No matter who you are or what industry you’re in, it’s safe to say a teacher has positively impacted your life. Perhaps they tutored you in a subject you felt lost in, gave you the confidence to have a voice at school, or guided you into finding your true passions. For those and a million […]