Sweet, sweet summertime: a chance for educators to kick back, relax, and celebrate another great school year. While teachers from every walk of life deserve a chance to bask in the summer sunshine, now is also a great time to get organized for the year ahead. No matter the theatre program you’re managing, having a […]

As the curtains close and your team takes its final bows, you may be ready to head to the beach, the bar, or the couch to celebrate another job well done. While you absolutely deserve that break, there’s just one small thing to do before you relax: host your postmortem. If you’re unsure what that […]

As we wrap up the school year, you may be dreaming of sleeping in late, spending days at the pool, and avoiding all responsibilities for a bit. While that does sound lovely, now is also a great time to reflect on your theatre curriculum over the past year. When evaluating your curriculum, you and your […]

As an innovative leader in the world of theatre, you’re likely looking for new ways to improve the experience for your patrons. That could be through technology upgrades, more immersive showcases, better-quality merchandise, or stronger theatre-patron relationships. One method for enhancing the audience experience that you may not have considered is the use of post-show […]

We theatremakers know one thing to be true: Our patrons keep the lights on. Those who purchase tickets to shows, buy merchandise, share content on social media, and attend workshops, summer camps, and other programming make or break our business.  So it’s agreed: You need patrons to sustain your business – and happy, consistent repeat […]

In the hustle and bustle of putting together a great show, you may forget why you’re creating your end product. It’s not for revenue, notoriety, or personal development – although those are great perks! No, presenting theatre is about sharing creativity, creating a community, and facilitating memorable experiences for your patrons.  You might be thinking: […]

Fundraising galas can be an excellent way to increase awareness of your work, create meaningful connections through networking, and raise capital for ongoing success. It may seem daunting to plan, market, and host your own gala, we know! But with the right tools, it can – and will – be a rousing success. On The Stage […]

Running a theatre, no matter the size, has a variety of moving parts to manage. Perfecting the costumes. Nailing the sound and lighting cues. Casting the perfect leads. Marketing your upcoming show. Raising enough funds to improve the experience for everyone. But one part that often gets pushed to the wayside is the cultivation and […]

The end of one year and the beginning of another can be a beautiful time for your theatre. You’re able to look back at your many accomplishments while planning ahead with unbridled optimism. A great way to set up the building blocks for a successful year ahead is by setting realistic – yet challenging – […]

As we wrap up 2023 and look toward the future, now’s the time to make your performing arts team feel appreciated for all the work they put into your theatre this year. Alongside facilitating all those warm and fuzzy feelings, you should also be empowering your team at year-end to start 2024 off with a […]

The curtains have closed on your latest showcase. It’s time to begin the set strike, reorganize your backstage, and prepare for the next creative endeavor. During this time, it’s essential to review what went well and what didn’t so you can learn from your mistakes and make improvements for the next performance. It’s time for […]

There is, indeed, a reason why Tech Week is interchangeably called “Hell Week” in the world of theatre. Your to-do list is piling up, your actors are tired, you feel like you’re behind schedule … the worries go on (and on, and on). However, tech week doesn’t have to be hellish. With the right tools, you […]

As a theatre professional looking towards 2024, you may be kicking off the budgeting season and working through various strategic plans. There are several moving parts that require portions of your budget, but one that’s quite important and often overlooked is your marketing. While you may be focusing on programming, set pieces, costumes, new lighting […]