Sweet, sweet summertime: a chance for educators to kick back, relax, and celebrate another great school year. While teachers from every walk of life deserve a chance to bask in the summer sunshine, now is also a great time to get organized for the year ahead. No matter the theatre program you’re managing, having a […]

As the summer rolls in, many parents wonder what to do with their kiddos during the busy work day. Instead of plopping them in front of a TV or taking them to work, some send their kids to immersive and educational camps and similar programming. As a theatremaker, this opportunity is ripe with benefits. By […]

As we wrap up the school year, you may be dreaming of sleeping in late, spending days at the pool, and avoiding all responsibilities for a bit. While that does sound lovely, now is also a great time to reflect on your theatre curriculum over the past year. When evaluating your curriculum, you and your […]

No matter who you are or what industry you’re in, it’s safe to say a teacher has positively impacted your life. Perhaps they tutored you in a subject you felt lost in, gave you the confidence to have a voice at school, or guided you into finding your true passions. For those and a million […]

Spring break is a time of rest and relaxation for many, while others want to hit the open road or seek out new adventures. You, the theatremaker, deserve a break and some fun, too… but you should also be using this time to maximize your theatre’s revenue and boost your ticket sales.  You might be […]

March is Theatre in Our Schools Month! It’s a time to celebrate the power of theatre within our school systems, as well as advocate for arts education and inclusion all year round.  The benefits of theatre education are varied and vast and do not all revolve around fostering creativity – although that’s a major gain. […]

March welcomes ‘Happy Theatre In Our Schools Month,’ and there are a million reasons to celebrate. Ensuring schools have drama education is paramount to well-rounded student development and heavily impacts a student’s overall academic achievement. On The Stage explores why theatre in schools is so important and the many ways in which it positively influences […]

This season of the year is all about giving thanks and showing gratitude – for friends, for family, for coworkers, and for those who make a difference in our communities. Theatre teachers are one group you do not want to forget as you’re prepping your gift list, and we’re here to help with ideas!  Whether […]

There is, indeed, a reason why Tech Week is interchangeably called “Hell Week” in the world of theatre. Your to-do list is piling up, your actors are tired, you feel like you’re behind schedule … the worries go on (and on, and on). However, tech week doesn’t have to be hellish. With the right tools, you […]

Rehearsals are an essential part of every successful performing arts program. They are where creativity meets discipline, where talent is honed, and where the magic truly happens. That being said, managing rehearsals efficiently is no small feat. It requires careful planning, effective communication, and a keen understanding of the unique challenges that performing arts can […]

As the school year commences, you may look for new components to add to your theatre curriculum. Along with teaching passionate students about the many tenets of acting, you should consider introducing crew and technical work into the mix.  Along with adding a dynamic new facet to your class, getting students involved with technical work […]

School theatre rehearsals can be both thrilling and demanding. Balancing the fun and productivity in these rehearsals is key to creating a memorable and successful production. By following these tips, you can ensure that your time in the theatre is both enjoyable and rewarding, leaving you and your students with unforgettable memories and a fantastic […]

With the summer sun slowly setting, it’s time to gear up for back to school and an electrifying fall theatre season. Whether you’re a veteran drama teacher or just stepping onto the stage, On The Stage has some actionable steps and helpful resources to help you start your season strong! Set the Stage Literally and […]