Like many industries in 2024, theatre is seeing major shifts. One change you may be noticing is that showcases are not always presented in the standard theatrical space. Instead, some works have been relocated to unconventional or shared spaces. While this shift can present unique challenges, it allows theatremakers to think outside the box, get […]
Sweet, sweet summertime: a chance for educators to kick back, relax, and celebrate another great school year. While teachers from every walk of life deserve a chance to bask in the summer sunshine, now is also a great time to get organized for the year ahead. No matter the theatre program you’re managing, having a […]
As the summer rolls in, many parents wonder what to do with their kiddos during the busy work day. Instead of plopping them in front of a TV or taking them to work, some send their kids to immersive and educational camps and similar programming. As a theatremaker, this opportunity is ripe with benefits. By […]
Ahhh, the sweet smell of summertime. It’s just around the corner, which means your summer stock productions and other theatre programming are, too! You’re probably deliberating about which plays and musicals to add to your roster this summer, with pros and cons lists aplenty. While you might want to go with your gut or with […]
As we head into the Spring season, the promise of warm weather, relaxation, and zero obligations is beckoning us from a distance. Yes, if you can believe it, we’re well on our way to sweet, sweet summertime. As a theatremaker, you can harness that anticipation and excitement to attract larger summer stock audiences. Believe it […]
If you’re looking to further your education, raise funds, bring your team together, and add new folks to the roster, hosting a theatre workshop is a great way to do all that and more. Workshops require plenty of forethought and organization, but with the right tools in your tool belt, you’ll be able to grow […]
While you’re relaxing this summer, whether lying by the pool, going on vacations, or just taking some downtime, you can also continue learning and bettering your program through a summer reading list. Books on the history of theatre, famous theatre makers, and how to hone your craft can help you run a more successful program, […]
,Warmer weather and more free time lend themselves swimmingly to hosting fundraisers for your theatre. Utilizing the great outdoors and peoples’ positive moods, you’re sure to secure more financial security for the upcoming season. On The Stage presents a few creative fundraising ideas for the summer. Car Washes Why yes, it may be manual labor, […]
Summer is a unique time when email marketing is key to driving donations for your fundraising campaigns. There is a lot of underutilized energy and enthusiasm floating around during the summer months, and with the right marketing tools, you can grab onto it and harness it for your program. On The Stage explores a few […]
While we usually think of summer as “time off,” it’s actually a great occasion to flex your creativity muscles. That’s right – theatre camps will reap major rewards if you invest the right amount of time and energy into them. On The Stage presents seven things you shouldn’t skip before and during your summer programming. […]
Ahh, the sweet sound of summertime. While you may look at this reprieve as a time for rest and relaxation, you can also use it to bolster your theatre program. How? By hosting theatre camps, of course! If you’re not sure where to start, we offer a variety of reasons why theatre camp can change […]
Although it feels like we’re just about to celebrate the start of spring, summer will be here before you know it. And the warmer weather means one thing for us theatre folk: summer stock! While you still have ample time, get prepped for the summer stock season with a little help from On The Stage. […]
With summer camps coming back last year, it’s fair to anticipate that the market for summer camps will be back in full swing this year. Parents of children of all ages are looking forward to seeing those smiling faces come home from a long day of fun (and, let’s be honest, the break!). Why […]