The handy-dandy electronic email—or email, as you may know it—has been helping businesses stay in touch with patrons and drum up engagement since the 1980s. A tried-and-true method of communication, emails are a powerful way to reach patrons that you should definitely leverage for your theatre.  You may notice, however, that you’re not reaching the […]

When it comes time to implement effective pricing strategies for your theatre’s tickets, it’s imperative to straddle the line between maximum revenue and minimum gatekeeping of your content. In short, your tickets should be expensive enough for you to make a sizable profit but not too expensive and inaccessible for some of your community members. […]

Everyone has wanted to feel like a very important person (VIP) at one point or another. After all, having VIP experiences can transform an average memory into something extraordinary.  If it’s true that most people are on the hunt for that exciting feeling, why not start curating these VIP experiences for your most loyal patrons? […]

Much like the theatre world, your patron base is likely quite diverse, with a broad range of generations, from Baby Boomers to Millennials to Gen Z, making up your core demographics. For that and many other reasons, your marketing strategies shouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all effort but tailored and segmented to appeal to different bases. It’s […]

The beauty of theatre is that it is never a one-size-fits-all experience. Whether you’re a patron, director, actor, or part of the crew, you’ll walk away from a piece of theatre with your own unique interpretations and insights. The same can – and should be – said for the ticketing portion of the theatrical process. […]

Picture this: You’ve worked harder than you thought possible to direct and produce a beautiful piece of theatre. Your team, ranging from actors and crew members to front-of-house staffers, have offered up blood, sweat, and tears in preparation for opening night. You lift the curtains for the first number, and … no one’s there? Ah, in […]

Just as they say in Cabaret, money makes the world go ’round. As a theatremaker, you’re probably constantly searching for more ways to infuse capital into your program so you can focus on what you love…making great art. Finding new revenue accelerators is crucial for your theatre—not only to keep the doors open but also […]

It’s never too late to create a more sustainable theatre. As Earth Day approaches, it’s the perfect time to think about your theatre’s environmental effect on your community – and the world at large. If you take a look at your day-to-day operations and general behaviors, there are sure to be a few places where […]

A common goal among theatremakers is simple: ensure the largest possible audience is viewing your work. However, getting more eyes on your content and more people in your theatre seats can be tough, which is why having a theatre marketing strategy is crucial for organizations of all sizes; and that strategy should include a robust […]

We theatremakers know one thing to be true: Our patrons keep the lights on. Those who purchase tickets to shows, buy merchandise, share content on social media, and attend workshops, summer camps, and other programming make or break our business.  So it’s agreed: You need patrons to sustain your business – and happy, consistent repeat […]

Your front-of-house box office team is the lifeblood of your organization for a variety of reasons. They are integral in creating a great first impression of your theatre, and they handle one of the most important aspects of your business: selling tickets.  That being said, this integral team needs to feel empowered and equipped with […]

In the hustle and bustle of putting together a great show, you may forget why you’re creating your end product. It’s not for revenue, notoriety, or personal development – although those are great perks! No, presenting theatre is about sharing creativity, creating a community, and facilitating memorable experiences for your patrons.  You might be thinking: […]

Spring break is a time of rest and relaxation for many, while others want to hit the open road or seek out new adventures. You, the theatremaker, deserve a break and some fun, too… but you should also be using this time to maximize your theatre’s revenue and boost your ticket sales.  You might be […]