Product: On The Stage Producer’s Suite

Version: 2.0

Why are we doing this?

The main purpose of this update is to improve the technology behind the client tools that make up a bulk of our Producer’s Suite. This is just the first step; this updated technology will open the door for more great tools to help you and your patrons going forward.

What is changing?

Along with the technology update, we thought we’d improve the experience for you and your team as well, so we’ve thrown in some new and updated features as well.

User Experience Update


  • The entire Client Portal has an updated, modern look and feel.
  • The new design is responsive, so you’ll have the same great experience on desktop and mobile.
  • The user interface has been cleaned up to allow a more intuitive experience with the Client Portal.

New Client Dashboard View


  • The client login view has been updated to a dashboard that automatically populates with reporting data as you build and publish your events.
  • The dashboard includes your live events with real-time sales information and draft events so you can easily keep track of in-progress event builds.
  • The dashboard includes 30-day sales snapshots of your ticket sales, donations, and merchandise sales.
  • The dashboard includes a quick view of your most recent ticket transactions.

Updated Workflows


  • The new event building process has been updated to separate the event build and the website build processes from one another.

Integrated Website Editors


  • The show and organization website editors have been integrated into the Client Portal for a seamless experience.
  • The custom editing capabilities of the website editors have been updated to simplify page builds while allowing the same custom tools as before.


If you have any questions about how to use any of these new tools, check out our help center for articles on how to use the new platform. Still have questions? Reach out to our Customer Success team.

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