If you’re anything like us, you’re a fan of New Year’s resolutions. After all, January is the perfect time for a reset… or to get a little more ambitious about goals for the coming year. Theatre professionals often have two common objectives: to deliver the absolute best possible showcase to their patrons and to sell as many tickets as possible. One way to stay on top of those goals is by following blossoming theatre trends throughout the year and implementing them into your works to the best of your ability. 

If your bandwidth is maxed out – leaving you no time to do research into this interesting topic – worry not! On The Stage is here to help. 

Theatre Trends to Look Forward to in 2024

More Interactive Performances Offerings

In 2024, patrons will be more involved in theatre showcases all around. ‘Interactive,’ however, can take on a few different meanings.

From a digital standpoint, streaming options are more ample than ever. Even better, new technology will include and immerse patrons who are watching from afar! Innovative platforms have opened up the world of theatre – so much so that the art is no longer confined to the stage. 

From a physical standpoint, interactive performances are becoming more popular – not only in experimental theatre but in the mainstream, as well. Whether that’s actors breaking the fourth wall, cast members walking into the audience, a ramp-up of sensory elements, or the company curating a theatre-in-the-round experience in which the boundary between the stage and the patrons is broken, audience members are in for a truly accessible and immersive treat in 2024. 

The Integration of Virtual Reality 

Patrons are moving from the comfort of their theatre seats into the story itself via the integration of virtual reality elements. In short, VR is bringing an entirely new dimension to theatrical viewing. Via VR headsets, a patron is transported into the setting – making them more of a silent observer of a real-life situation as opposed to a regular person in an audience. 

With VR elements, the line between fiction and reality is blurred. Even better, VR headsets make your theatre accessible to people not just in your community, but around the world.

3D Projection Mapping

While this one may sound daunting or overly complicated, we promise it’s not! Imagine you’re able to change your set design in the blink of an eye – morphing your background from one location to another with a push of a button. Although it seems impossible, 3D projection mapping does just that. 

3D projection mapping uses advanced technology to project images onto irregularly shaped objects or surfaces. In the context of theater, it takes an ordinary stage and turns it into quite literally whatever background you want. 

With this technology, theatre leaders will save money in the long run. Yes, the initial purchase will be costly, but it will soon pay for itself. Additionally, more doors open to you and your cast and crew in terms of play and musical choices when you don’t have to worry about costly set design. 

Going Green(er)

Most theatres are already focusing on sustainability and decreasing their carbon footprints in this day and age. However, efforts are ramping up in 2024. 

A few theatre trends you’ll either see for the first time or more often next year include:

  • Paperless/totally digital ticketing and show programs 
  • Eco-friendly stage design utilizing recycled materials
  • Energy efficiency in lighting and sound equipment; think solar panels, energy-efficient sound systems, and a focus on reducing energy usage 
  • Sustainable and accessible transportation with a focus on carpooling, bussing to and from the theatre, and more digital offerings to reduce cars on the road 

More Flexibility 

Gone are the days of rigidity in terms of ticket purchasing – maybe not everywhere, but definitely in the inclusive and accessible world of theatre! 

Flexibility looks like a lot of the things when it comes to your show. A few changes you’ll see in 2024, with the end goal of getting more patrons involved in the theatre, include:

  • Payment plans or split payments: Perhaps the most inclusive measure of all that’s really taking off in 2024 is allowing patrons to pay for their season ticket subscriptions in installments. While a lump sum payment is accessible for some, split payments allow those with less access to capital to enjoy the theatre, too. 
  • No one-size-fits-all ticket subscriptions: We’re moving away from the ‘all-or-nothing’ season ticket schtick. Patrons will be able to pick a few shows in a season to visit or swap out performance days if need be. 
  • Family plans/discounts: We want to reward bigger groups who visit the theatre, hence discounts for larger ticket purchases. 
  • Merchandise bundles: A great way to get some marketing in the mix and reward patrons for purchasing group tickets; expect to see more ‘swag’ this year.

How On The Stage Can Help 

If you’re looking ahead with trepidation to the theatre trends of 2024 or just looking to implement best practices to improve your theatre, remember that On The Stage is here to help. With our all-in-one technology platform, we can help you realize all your goals this year. 

A few areas of expertise we can help out with include:

  • Ticketing: Increase ticket sales by 20-25% with an all-in-one ticketing platform that is free to your organization
  • Box office management: Simplify ticket sales, elevate your patron experience, and streamline the ticketing process with our front-of-house tools
  • Fundraising:  Take control of your theatre’s financial destiny with a comprehensive fundraising suite! You can launch campaigns, track one-time and ongoing donations, manage and grow donors, and access reports 
  • Marketing: Get the word out about your upcoming productions and season subscriptions to generate more awareness and increase ticket sales with a comprehensive marketing suite
  • Merchandising: Discover a hands-off revenue stream you can set and forget with custom merchandise
  • Streaming: Expand your live performance options by sharing with remote audiences wherever they may be using our Livestream tools

So, let one of your New Year’s resolutions for 2024 be to elevate your theatre by partnering with On The Stage! Book a personalized demo today to get started. Happy New Year!

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